The Wild Rabbit

Welcome to The Wild Rabbit!
We're a Free Company on Balmung in Final Fantasy XIV

Welcome to The Wild Rabbit! «BNUUY»

We're a small, casual, and sometimes lewd Free Company with a small house in the Mist on Balmung, but we're looking to grow! As such, we're looking for players (18+) old and new, from the freshest of sprouts, returnees and veterans, adventurers to roleplayers. As long as you're a decent person, all are welcome to join us! We even have a Discord server open to members and their friends. We're open to anyone that needs a home. We even have room in our FC's private chambers for you!Our FC house has been designed to resemble a comfy bakery or cafe on the main floor and a cozy cabin for more intimate moments in the basement - both free to use and offering both a public and private-feeling venue. Or, if that's not enough, you can even get your own private chamber and reshape it to be the kind of room you desire. However, you don't need to feel obligated to match the theme of our home.And the house isn't all we have going for us! We also have and are friends with various omnicrafters that can help you make whatever you might need. From dungeon roulettes to literally crafting the bedroom of your dreams, we can help!We also have a Discord server for members, but you can invite your friends too! The Discord icon on these pages has an invite link. Members have access to some additional FC-only channels as well.And as a bonus to all of this, we also have two FC actions up at all times (and if not, any member can activate them, too). One to make teleporting cheaper and the other is a bonus that might vary day-by-day!If you're interested in joining The Wild Rabbit, just check out the Contact button for more information or find us in-game!TL;DR - We're a friendly FC looking for new members for any type of player on Balmung. You can join by submitting an application or being invited by any FC member. Joining the Discord server is the fastest way, though, since it gets viewed immediately.


Discord: Message Railen#0001
In-game: Einar Railen@Balmung
Someone from the FC leader team is usually around from 5:00PM EST to 00:00AM EST.The Discord icon here is a link to our server!

We're in the Mist on Balmung! We currently own a small plot, Plot 46 in Ward 17. Feel free to come check us out if you're interested in joining!